how do you block someone on instagram messenger

Despite the fact that Instagram is a very user-friendly platform, there is no official way to completely turn off the Direct Message feature. One of the easiest ways for people to send you Direct Messages on Instagram is by replying to a story that you posted. Wrapping Up. Although you can’t really turn Direct Messages off on Instagram altogether, you can take some workaround steps that may work for you.

One concern some people have about this service is how to block someone on Instagram DM. In this latest installment of our troubleshooting series we will show you how to do this. Posts you might like Go to the user’s profile that you want to block. Another window will pop-up asking if you’re sure you want to block them.

You can delete someone’s comments from your posts if you don’t want to block them, or you can prevent numerous individuals from commenting on your posts if you don’t want to block them. According to Instagram, there are three ways you can block other users from our profile: through settings, through IG profile, and through direct messages. Tap next to Block [username] if you just want to block that account.

Instagram recently released their new Instagram Direct messaging feature in their Android and iOS apps, which lets users share private photos and videos directly with individuals or groups of up to 15 users. You’re more than likely going to click the green check mark to see the photo or video and just hope for the best, but if it turns out to be something you don’t like, you can also choose to ignore all future direct messages from that user, as well as report it as inappropriate and block them entirely. To ignore all future Instagram Direct messages from a specific user, you’ll have to have the photo or video open that they sent you.

Facebook has merged Messenger and Instagram DMs. This means anyone from Facebook can slide into your Instagram DMs. If you prefer keeping your Facebook and Instagram profiles separate, this can be a cause for concern. If you want to block your Facebook friends entirely, check “Don’t Receive Requests.” Selecting the “Message Requests” sends texts from Facebook friends to your Instagram’s DM request list. There’s no option to roll back to the old version of Instagram DMs. Similarly, you can now also message a Facebook friend from Instagram.

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